For more than 10 years, Packing 4 Hope has been devoted to making a difference in the lives of foster children.
We provide blankets inside rolling luggage to help brighten their journey while moving from home to home.
To achieve this at Packing 4 Hope, we currently focus on foster agencies in our city and surrounding areas.
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Why we started...
During high school, my family fostered children in need. At times, we would provide a home of support overnight and sometimes we had the privilege to create bonds with children in foster care for years. It was all very unpredictable. It was heartbreaking to see children go through these journeys, trying to find their place to call home. During these times, there was something that was really bothersome for me. Children arriving with TRASHBAGS. Children would move one home to the next home with trash bags full of clothes, toys, pictures, teddy bears etc.
It broke my heart. Dragging these trash bags from each home seemed like such a heart crushing experience. But most of all, leaving their home and family. I had to change this. I started a charity drive to gather ‘rolling’ luggage. After one, obviously it was not enough. I wanted this as a lifelong commitment for children who enter the foster care system. In 2011, this led me into planning a business name & onto the Non-profit paperwork I went. I couldn't change everything about the situation for these children but I could change this. Packing 4 Hope is committed to provide children with rolling luggage.